Our Impact in 2022
We have published our Impact Report for 2022! For everything we achieved in 2022 we owe a huge thankyou to our partners in Tanzania, Ndoto in Action, who work incredibly hard to get everything done. A big thankyou to the communities we work with, who committed hundreds of hours volunteered in the construction process. We also want to thank to everyone who donated and contributed to to make 2022 an impactful year for Made with Hope .
Read our full impact report here: 2022 Impact Report & Accounts
… and read an update on each of our four core programmes for Made with Hope in 2022 here:
LET US LEARN: Learning environments
Building and equipping whole schools or new classrooms. Providing resources.
Our impact in 2022:
Improved learning environment and reduce overcrowding by renovating 9 classrooms at Marurani Primary School to educate 405 students
Began renovating 10 classrooms at Maweni primary school for 450 students
Renovations of a classroom at Maweni School
One of the new Rainwater Tanks at Majimoto shcool
WATER IS LIFE:Clean water
Collecting rainwater and transporting water to rural villages.
Our impact in 2022:
Installed a 5,000 litre rainwater harvesting system to collect clean water in our two new toilet blocks at Oldenderet and Maji Moto Primary School
Preventative and simple health solutions for students such as toilets, health workshops, food programmes, hand washing.
Our impact in 2022:
Constructed 10 toilets at Oldenderet Primary School for over 173 girls to use and thousands more the future
Constructed 10 girls toilets, 2 boys toilets and an accessible friendly toilet at Maji Moto primary school
We started the construction of a kitchen and dining room at Mshikamano primary school
We painted hygiene education pictures on all of our 6 new toilet blocks
Students using the new girls toilet and sinks at Oldenderet School
Handover event of the completed girls toilet block at Maji Moto Primary School
New toilet block at Oldenderet School
GIRL EMPOWERMENT: Education for girls
Supporting girls education and menstrual hygiene management.
Our impact in 2022:
Implemented a Menstruation Hygiene Management Project which educated 173 girls, 185 boys, 11 teachers and 120 parents about supporting their girls during menstruation and breaking down taboos
Distributed packs of reusable sanitary towels for up to 173 menstruating girls at Oldenderet Primary School
Thoroughly trained 2 teachers at Oldenderet Primary School in how to continue the menstruation programme and implement it into their curriculum
We provided 10 girls who are living in extreme poverty with 3 month food packages, new uniform, new shoes and stationery to help them attend school
Menstrual Hygiene Management workshop for students at Oldenderet School
Menstrual Hygiene Management workshop for teachers and parents at Oldenderet School
Thankyou for supporting us, and we hope to have even more to report back on for 2023!